6 Signs of an Unhappy Relationship You Need to Aware Of


6 Signs of an Unhappy Relationship You Need to Aware Of

If you continue to be forced to survive, it is not impossible that your relationship with him will actually bring more stress and negative aura. What are the signs of an unhappy relationship?

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Everyone wants to have a lasting and harmonious relationship. However, a relationship does not always run smoothly. Even though it’s tough, sometimes the decision to just end the relationship is the best solution for both parties. If you continue to be forced to survive, it is not impossible that your relationship with him will actually bring more stress and negative aura. What are the signs of an unhappy relationship?

The Signs of Unhappy Relationship

Saturation, boredom, anger, and disappointment are natural parts of the acid and salt of a relationship. So before you are really determined to end the story of the two of you, first believe in your feelings that this is not just a momentary emotion.

You can ask yourself some of the questions below, to find the answers.

1. Frequent quarrels, to the point of issuing swear words and playing physically

Whether those who are dating for a month or have been married for up to a dozen years, it seems that there is no partner who has never quarreled. Small quarrels are normal and can be a spice in your romance.

It’s a different story if you and the him fight more often and exaggerate problems than make out. This is the first emergency sign you should be aware of. Especially if the argument contains words of scorn, scolding, screams of curse, throwing plates at each other, and even playing physically.

Domestic violence or violence in dating cannot be tolerated, be it physically, verbally or psychologically. Forcing to stay in an unhealthy, abusive relationship can threaten your physical health and emotional and psychological well-being.

2. Too Demanding

When one party starts calculating the kindness or sweet deeds he has done for his partner and then compares his treatment with what the partner has done for him, this can be a sign of an unhappy relationship that is not worth maintaining.

If he always demands to expect more of you, this will gradually make you always think negatively about yourself. You will start thinking that you never get enough for him or you never feel appreciated. With that in minds, it will ultimately undermine your self-confidence.

Remember that a healthy relationship functions like a partnership, where both parties are equal and equal – not based on reciprocity and accounts payable.

3. Fear of talking to your partner about important things

A healthy relationship is based on honesty and mutual openness. Even so, that doesn’t mean you don’t have any privacy at all.

Maybe not all secrets need to be revealed directly to your partner at first, but do you always feel reluctant or reluctant to talk because you are afraid to offend them or are afraid to face your partner’s response after finding out?

Important things, especially regarding your relationship, need to be known by your partner. If you cover up important secrets from your partner, this can damage the longevity of your relationship. He could feel betrayed because he was allowed to continue to be “blind” to your secrets.

This could include the people closest to you, personal financial information, or a tendency to abuse drugs and alcohol.

No matter how long you’ve been dating, you need to know your partner inside out. That way you can get to know each other better, and have nothing to hide, which will further increase your sense of trust in your partner.

4. Couples only care about themselves

Couples who are seriously committed usually have a clear and detailed picture of their future, hopes, and dreams. Your presence and position in all of his life plans are clearly imprinted.

Ideally, a healthy relationship should be filled with mutual respect and respect for each other. However, if until now your partner only cares about himself, only talks about himself when the two of you, lacks support, even just asking how each other is very rare, this is a sign that maybe you have to rethink about your future.

A lack of empathy and respect can be a sign of an unhappy relationship that will gradually destroy your relationship.

Harassing and condescending behavior, even as simple as not apologizing when he made a mistake or cornering you back, are warning signs that you really need to be very careful about. A one-sided relationship will never last.

5. You feel like you can’t do anything right

Your partner should be your biggest cheerleader. But if you always feel anxious about your appearance and not confident in his presence; You always feel like you can’t do something right when you’re with him; or you often doubt yourself, this can be a serious sign of an abusive and manipulative relationship.

For example, he always exaggerates trivial mistakes, like accusing you of losing your love and caring for him when you buy his favorite brand of toothpaste wrong.

6. Overly Jealous

Jealousy is normal in a relationship, but jealousy can actually be bad for your relationship.

You immediately get angry when your partner is friends with the opposite sex. There are even some people who are jealous to the point of prohibiting their partner from leaving the house or asking them not to be friends with someone they jealous, so you prefer to lie with your partner to avoid conflict. Be careful, this is a sign you and the he is in an unhappy relationship.