Getting to Know FoMO in Social Media

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Getting to Know FoMO in Social Media

Fear of missing out (FoMO), is a condition in which someone is afraid to be said not to update, not to hang out, and afraid to miss the news that is c

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Fear of missing out (FoMO), is a condition in which someone is afraid to be said not to update, not to hang out, and afraid to miss the news that is currently popular. FoMO is fear and anxiety which can have physical and psychological side effects. Let’s find out what FoMO is and what effect it has on mental and body health.

Definition of FoMO

Fear of missing out, commonly abbreviated as FoMO, is a type of anxiety that is commonly felt by generation Y aka millennials, namely those born in 1981 to 1996. This condition has become increasingly prevalent when Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Path, and other social social media have changed and become an important part of their daily life.

Every day, from waking up to going to bed again, people flock to present or try to be the first to update certain information. Thats why people with FoMO are the ones who are the most anxious, uncomfortable, and worried if they miss any information on social media.

According to the Department of Psychology, School of Social Sciences, Nottingham Trent University, in the UK, FoMO is a condition that can cause people to behave beyond reasonable limits on social media. Apart from being afraid of missing out on news on social media, they also sometimes deliberately post pictures, writings, or even promote themselves that are not necessarily honest just to be seen updates. Ironically, this could be seen as looking for their sensation and happiness on fake social media.

What is the impact if you experience FOMO?

This anxiety generated by social media can have a real negative effect. FOMO is bad for us mentally and physically. Feelings of anxiety about not being able to update on social media can backfire over time. Just imagine if one day people with this kind of anxiety do not get internet access and electricity or when they forget to bring their cellphone.

Please note that anxiety is something that can trigger excessive stress and depression in a person. According to a study, anxiety can disrupt the production of important hormones in the body such as serotonin and adrenaline. Difficulty sleeping, no appetite, headaches, and mood swings can all occur when the hormones in your body are out of balance.

Also, when you are feeling anxious, your body tends to produce nausea. This occurs when the gut sends a signal to the brain that your body is being threatened. Sometimes, the body will eventually react by producing nausea.

As The Nottingham Post reports in Science Direct, FoMO is a condition that can damage your social relationships. Yes, frequent updates on social media can cause negative things. For example, if a friend asks you to go out to play, then you say you can’t. However, without realizing it, you go out with your other friends while updating them on social media. This can make your friend who previously asked you to feel betrayed. In the end, without realizing it, your social relationship with your friends may not be good.

It’s okay to use social media, but don’t overdo it

Even though FoMO is a dangerous phenomenon for your mental, physical and social health, that doesn’t mean you are prohibited from using social media altogether. Yes, you can use social media, but with reasonable limits.

Instead, limit your use of social media in proportion to your activities. Not everything in your life should be posted either. Also, try not to compare your life to other people’s lives on social media. Because what is shown on social media is not the real thing.

Furthermore, start managing your time wisely. when to social media, when to take a break from social media. That way, you will avoid excessive anxiety caused by FOMO.